24. - 27. September 2003 / Europahaus Wien
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We are both, witnesses and players, in a gigantic and seemingly endless globalization process that impacts all human beings, institutions and nations worldwide. .
Globalization tends to transform all institutions in our societies profoundly, even the cultural institutions are not immune to this process. On one hand, globalization is perceived as an opportunity for expanding world commerce and trade, and thus contributing to world peace. Yet it brings along a deep sense of insecurity and feeling of uncertainty, as traditional notions of state, home, culture and religion can no longer function as stable orientation for identity formations. Today, the process of globalisation is confronted with a growing worldwide resistance arising out of the injustice of global trade and the feeling of loss of control on one's destiny.
In view of the increasing number of crisis and conflicts with global relevance, it appears crucial to begin a cultural dialogue about common survival needs in the age of globalization.
Life is full of conflicts , and conflicts between individuals, families, tribes, peoples, and cultures are common. However, in our interrelated and interconnected world, local conflicts tend to expand instantly and globally, and they have a tendency to engulf everyone, nobody can avoid being sucked into them. The new phenomenon of incessant stream of information has made us realize the impact of global conflicts on each of us, which requires dialogues between cultures to find surviving strategies for us all together.
Recognition is growing that wars and violence do not resolve anything, rather intensify the tensions; and that the direct negotiation between the involved parties has the best possibility of success - often with the help of mediators. The current attractiveness of mediation is signaling the longing of people to settle conflicts peacefully and to avoid destruction.
The conference format will consist of: Lectures, seminars and workshops to raise issues and questions about diversity, contradictions and potential for conflict of human coexistence. The lecturers and seminar leaders will share their experience in understanding individuals and their cultures and helping manage their conflicts.
Programm: Prekongress: 23. und 24. September 2003
Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6.00 p.m
Opening ceremony: »Understanding cultures« The goal is exploring the foreign, the otherness of cultures.
Opening by Prof. Dr. Maya Nadig (D) and Prof. Dr. Joseph Duss-von Werdt (CH)
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Second day: »Whom does this world belong?« We will analyse power structures and explore the strengths and problems of interconnectedness.
Friday, September 26, 2003
Third day: Examples of conflict resolutions with mediation in different cultures and of different cultures of mediation.
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Fourth day: »Where to? - future in conflict« Possible future developments and impacts. We will further investigate the positive and destructive potential of conflicts.
There will be keynote speeches, workshops, roundtable discussions, and presentations by speakers from Austria and many other countries. Detailed information can be found in the congress' programm.
Documents for download
Seminarlanguage is German. Lectures and discussions held in English will be simultaneously translated.
Dr. Klaus Rückert, Dr. Gerda Mehta, Iris Rückert-Possél, Dr. Silvia Michal-Misak,
Werner Mayer, Angela Riedmann
ARGE Bildungsmanagement
Friedstraße 23,
A-1210 Wien
Europahaus Wien
Linzer Straße 429, A-1140 Wien