Do. 4. 5. 2006, 16.30-18.00
„Peace building in practice"
„Friedensarbeit in der Praxis"
Peace building in practice
In the workshop you can learn about the positive African Traditional Mechanisms of dealing with conflict. There will also be a demonstration how Stella Sabiiti and her teams conduct interactive peace training in an African setting.
Friedensarbeit in der Praxis
In diesem Workshop können Sie etwas über die positiven Tradidtionen Afrikas, mit Konflikten umzugehen, erfahren. Außerdem findet eine Demonstration statt, wie Stella Sabiiti und ihr Team interaktives Friedenstraining in afrikanischer Umgebung betreiben.
Stella Mystica Sabiiti, a Ugandan, is an internationally recognised consultant of Conflict Resolution and Peace-building with extensive experience in Africa and in numerous international forums. Her work includes facilitation, negotiation, mediation, reconciliation, training, research, program administration, and advocacy for the peace process.
Ms. Sabiiti is founder and Executive Director of the Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) based in Uganda and is a past Coordinator of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) based in The Netherlands where she established and ran the Africa Desk in the 1980s to the mid 1990s. Previous to that she worked as a News Editor for Radio and Television in Uganda in the late 1970s, later worked at the All Africa Conference of Churches in Nairobi (AACC), in Kenya and at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the Documentation Department in the 1980s. She has conducted training needs assessments, training, and follow-up programs in all sub regions of Africa. For various government departments, pastoral communities, former rebels, armed groups, cattle-rustlers, community leaders, youth groups, police, former soldiers, the Military, NGOs, women’s groups, teachers, environmentalists, conservationism and others.
Her work is informed by her background in Social Psychology, Social Psychiatry and Peace Journalism which she studied in Uganda, Canada and The Netherlands.
She is serving on the National Focal Point on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in Uganda following the Nairobi Declaration on SALW. She also sits on several regional and international boards.